by Grace Lennon, Malula Schuerlein, and Sophie Barbosa

Since 2023, the Edgewood Read-a-Thon has been going on. The Read-a-Thon is where you try to read as much as possible. You read and write down how many minutes you read. Then you send it on the computer, and it calculates how many minutes your whole class read.
This year more people are signing up because more parents know about it.
If you read for a certain amount of time then you win something like a notebook, pencil, hot chocolate and donut party, a book mark and stuff like that. If your class wins first, second, or third, your teacher gets a trophy, and someone takes a picture of your class and they hang it up on the wall near the lost and found. If you win first place in the grade you are in, then your whole class wins extra recess and a pizza party.

Here's how much each class read this year: