Getting to Know Dr. Keane
by Aishani Shah, Grace Lennon, Rebecca Stone, and Sophie Barbosa

Hi! Our names are Sophie, Aishani, Rebecca and Grace. The reason we are here is because we interviewed Dr. Keane, our new principal. We want to tell you about her life.
First, she has two sons, and she likes to play wiffle ball with them.
Second, she likes to eat pad thai. Her favorite color is green, and she likes going to Martha's Vineyard.
When she was a kid, she wanted to be a judge, and before Edgewood she worked at a school in Eastchester.
Finally, she does not have a pet. (Her sons want a dog.) She does not play an instrument.
She chose to work at Edgewood because she heard kind things about our school.

Aishani - main writer
Grace - main writer
Sophie - picture taker
Rebecca - title confirmer