Edgewood News

Music on the Lawn: An Insider's View

by Lily Fradkin

Beads of sweat💦 form on my face while I think of what is yet to come. I am just sitting in the class📕 rehearsing over and over in my head for music on the lawn. 🎶I can't focus on the day's lesson and during the independent work I just can't do my work without singing the song in my head. 🎵It's like I'm in a trance. For everyone in my class, today was just another day for an exciting performance. But for me, deep inside, was a big bundle of nerves.

Then the sound I had been dreading all day came. Ringgggggggg!🔔 Went to the lunch bell. Deep inside I felt a bit of an overwhelming flow. I have exactly 30 minutes⏰ till what would be the hardest thing I could ever think of… going on stage ! 🏟️

I was playing at recess⚽ totally not thinking about the time when I saw my parents👫 and everything snapped in place. It was like 12:15 and the thing started at 12:20!

I have to run!!!!!!! I thought as I ran as fast as my little legs could take me 👟💨.

“OH God” I thought to myself. I lined up with my class and I must have rushed them so much because my teacher was telling me to slow down. 🛑

“Slow down!”

What do you mean slow down?! I thought to myself. I am going to be late!!!!!!!!!!! ⌚I was going to perform for music on the lawn! It wasn't my first time doing something like this, but I was still scared.

As I spotted my parents in the crowd, I started to contemplate my decision. What if I mess up or fall and everyone laughs! 😱Or what if I forget my lines.🎼 I start to panic but a soft tone settles me down.

“You got this,” yelled my parents.

“Go Lily!”🤸 Yelled my teacher. I watch the first person go up. 1️⃣And then the next,2️⃣ and the next.🔢

Finally I hear them call my name. 💓My heart is racing as I step on stage. I hear cheering as I try to focus in on the song to see where to start.

Here it comes. I thought to myself.💭 And I am off. It's even more beautiful 🦋 than I remembered. As I hit the high 🎙️note, the crowd clapped so loud. I was overjoyed that everyone loved my performance.

When I sat back down, my parents came over to me and congratulated me and then gave me a doughnut !🍩

Later on after the last person went up to perform, I got a rose!🌹

The next day was all county chorus auditions and I was going to sing the same song. The song was “How Far I'll Go” from Moana. 🪕I practiced about 100 times until I got the song just right. The day arrived and I was honestly so nervous. I waited for my turn to perform and walked into the room.🚶I thought that my audition was great but we would have to wait and see. The results came in and I didn't… Believe that I made it! ✅ I was so excited.

The moral of my story is: Never give up on your dreams because you can always do it.

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great job
March 12, 2025
I loved the article!
Olivia Garvey
January 15, 2025
The article is amazing
Grace Mialkowski
December 20, 2024
Great story
Noah Chusuei
December 17, 2024
Nice Moral
December 16, 2024
lily you are a bunny queen!!!!!!!!
george fradkin
December 13, 2024
OMG that is so amazing/cool🐰
george fradkin
December 13, 2024
Lily, this writing is amazing! I have watched many performances at Music on the Lawn, and I always wondered what it would be like to be a student playing there. You made me feel like I had the experience through you! Thank you for writing this!
Mr. Cadalzo
December 13, 2024
I am thinking of doing music on the lawn next year with Charlotte. Sounds and looks fun!
Olivia Garvey
December 12, 2024
I love it! so amazing!!!
December 12, 2024
The article is GREAT!!! Can't wait to hear more!!!!!
December 11, 2024
so good!
December 11, 2024