Edgewood News

Edgewood School
the finest place to be


Since 2023, the Edgewood Read-a-Thon has been going on. The Read-a-Thon is where you try to read as much as possible. You read and write down how many minutes you read. Then you send it on the computer, and it calculates how many minutes your whole... read more

Getting to Know Dr. Keane

Hi! Our names are Sophie, Aishani, Rebecca and Grace. The reason we are here is because we interviewed Dr. Keane. We want tell you about her life. First, she has two sons, and she likes to play wiffle ball with them. Second, she likes to eat... read more

Talent Show 2025

Every year in Edgewood there are two talent shows. One in February and the other one in April. Students K-5 participate in the talent show if they would like to. The first day of the talent show students K-2 are the audience and the next day... read more