Edgewood News - The place to find out what's going on at Edgewood School

Edgewood School


White Plains NY Counseling and Psychotherapy
Consejeria, Terapia, y Psicoterapia | White Plains NY | Westchester County

  1. How do you make an octopus laugh?
        by Sofia C
  1. What table do science teachers use?
        by Lisa Tao
  1. How do you know an elephant is in bed with you?
        by Katie Duigs
  1. Which animal makes the best pet?
        by Maria Lopez
  1. ere does batman go to the bathroom?
        by Maria Lopez
  1. How do hurricanes see?
        by Lisa
  1. A ham sandwich enters a bar and orders a soda.

    What does the bartender say?
        by Maria Lopez
  1. What is the dentist's favorite time of day?
        by Dean Santelia
  1. Why were the teachers eyes crossed?
        by Dia
  1. What do you call a sleeping bull?
        by Dean Santelia